RUOK? Day 2022
You don’t have to be an expert to have a meaningful R U OK? conversation.
Ask R U OK? No qualifications needed.
Tomorrow (Thursday 8 September) is RUOK? Day 2022
RUOK? Day 2022 video
The RUOK? team couldn’t make supporting tomorrow any easier for us, jump into their website for all manner of resources to share the RUOK? message and support others today, tomorrow, and everyday. Follow this link to find: a conversation guide, activity planner, conversation templates, social media templates and everyday resources.
Quoting from the RUOK? Website: Life’s ups and downs happen to all of us. You don’t have to be an expert to have a meaningful R U OK? conversation. Listening and giving someone your time might be just what they need to help them through. Ask R U OK? No qualifications needed.
For me, I always feel that the most important part of these conversations (apart from actually starting them!) is to listen. This may mean sitting in silence, maybe some gentle prompting questions (never bombarding or interrogating), and honest, genuine care and compassion. As a usually positive person I don’t always get this right, I’m empathetic but can be impatient, and I can be busy and self-absorbed and miss the signs. RUOK? Day reminds me to practice what I preach, to take time, to try harder, to listen better, and to see more.
Use today as your prompt - step in, notice more, listen harder, care more, and bring compassion to your conversations. And then do it again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next…
Respect at Work facilitates discussions to assist your staff to use respectful and compassionate communication, please get in touch if we can be of assistance for your workplace.