2024 Here we go
I want 2024 to be a great year! not a good year but a GREAT year. I want to be engaged, compassionate, and of course respectful - to everyone I meet but also to myself.
My mantra for 2024 is self-care, self-compassion, and a promise to listen to and trust my mind and my body. *This has absolutely nothing to do with the picture of a giraffe - I just really like giraffes (hmm so perhaps it does have something to do with the giraffe).
The focus points for workplaces and People & Culture teams change and evolve each year but it’s clear that 2024 will once again have a strong focus on sexual harassment, the gender pay gap, psychological safety, and psychosocial hazards and risks. There are many resources and guides now readily available to assist compliance in these areas and no excuse for ignorance or lack of action.
For some organisations knowing where and how to start can be daunting and a sticking point, some other organisations have a great plan but while meeting their compliance points they develop tunnel vision and forget why the compliance matters. Wherever you are on your journey remember your greatest assets - your employees - bring them on the journey with you.
Engaged employees contribute more, empowered employees contribute more, employees who feel heard and seen contribute more.
Consultation with your employees is a requirement of the Managing Psychosocial Hazards Code of Practice, don’t just stop here. 2024 is THE year to genuinely see and hear your employees; commit to growing and nurturing a workplace culture where everyone thrives, conflict is managed, time is spent being proactive rather than reactive, conversations are easier, and productivity goes through the roof.
A safe, respectful, and inclusive positive culture is one where all staff feel comfortable, connected and supported. When staff feel psychologically safe, they bring their whole selves to work, they are free to engage and contribute, express their opinions, and flourish because of the high level of trust and connection in their team culture.
And don’t forget your compassion and respect - for others and also for yourself.
Respect at Work training makes sense and provides the foundation for a great workplace. Get in touch now for a chat about your workplace culture.