2023 that’s a wrap!
I feel like this year has been a year of contradictions; it was long but also flew by, crazy busy but with time for a couple of nice holiday breaks, healthy but with some bouts of sickness and sadness, full of rewards and full of frustrations.
Photo acknowledgement - Carrie Borden on Unsplash
My stats for the year once again sit very closely against the previous years as far as sessions and hours delivered. The biggest difference I think for 2023 was the number of clients/training sessions out of Tasmania, I spent many hours at airports this year with a total of 45 flights (and only 1 flight cancellation which makes me one of the lucky ones). I delivered training in WA (Henderson, Port Hedland, and Bunbury), NSW (Sydney, Nth Sydney, Northmead, Wentworth Park, Chippendale), Victoria (City, Warwick Farm, Doreen), ACT (City), and Tasmania (Hobart, Burnie, Devonport, Georgetown, Cambridge, Sorell). I also delivered more on-line training in 2023 than in previous years.
2023 training stats
To balance my training delivery I attended a great Workplace Wellness Festival and heard some awesome speakers in June this year, I have chalked up attendance at quite a few webinars and recently updated my Mental Health First Aid qualification (I highly recommend Wendy from www.talkingabout.net.au). I am also excited to be virtually attending Investigating Workplace Misconduct (AHRI) to finish up my year.
I would like to sincerely thank everyone I have meet either as training participants or connections this year - you are all awesome and your conversations fuel my passion for Respect at Work. To my clients, thank you for trusting me with your most important resources - your staff!
Let’s always remember that we ALL deserve (and are entitled to) a safe, fair and respectful workplace.
After a few weeks to recharge and regroup I will be back on deck late January 2024, full of energy and with some fresh and revised training content. See you then :)
Respect at Work facilitates discussions about respectful workplace behaviour and communication, please get in touch if we can be of assistance for your workplace.