Why should I? - Meeting your workplace legislative requirements Part 2
Perhaps a question for some readers is why? Why do I have to change anything? Or, What are the consequences if we don’t comply?
In last month’s blog/respectful insight I wrote about meeting your legislative requirements under the FWA amendments and Safe Work Australia’s Managing psychosocial hazards at work Code of Practice.
Perhaps a question for some readers is why? Why do I have to change anything? Or, What are the consequences if we don’t comply?
The FWO has new enforcement powers within the amendments and can enquire into employers compliance re positive duty if a non-compliance is suspected. They can provide recommendations to employers, issue a compliance notice and if necessary apply to Federal Court to order compliance. They can also enter into enforceable undertakings with non-compliant employers.
This is what the FW webpage says about compliance:
Let’s look at some other reasons to comply:
The ROI for addressing psychosocial hazards and prioritising worker’s wellbeing is 2.30:1
Flourish DX says psychosocial workers compensation claims are escalating at 15 times the rate of physical claims and are costing 6 times more to settle ($85,000 average).
Poor mental health is costing $70 Billion in Australia
Workers compensation mental health claims have already increased by 60% since 2000 and are expected to double by 2030 (Report by CEDA (Committee for Economic Development Australia))
Employees who feel psychologically safe are huge ambassadors for your organisation
It’s the right thing to do!
Please get in touch, Respect at Work training can assist you to understand and meet these workplace requirements.