Both Feet In
You can't give 100% to a workplace when your commitment is compromised!
About 12 months ago, and almost 2 years into my business owner journey I started to waiver. I believed in Respect at Work (RaW) and knew it was a good business, necessary and well received by my clients and their staff. BUT... someone had sent me the link to a job that was exactly what I had been looking for prior to RaW, suddenly my perfect sole trader existence paled against this new shiny possibility.
It happened as easily as that, I was proud of RaW and hadn't even considered anything else or giving up on my dream, the only tiny crack was my dislike of marketing.
What happened next isn't surprising. With one foot in and one foot out, my commitment to growing my business was affected. I was still delivering great training sessions, but my passion was compromised. This potential 'dream job' became a distraction, in hindsight I am thankful that I didn't get it but it took me a long time to gain back that 100% commitment – 'just in case' there was another 'shiny perfect job' just around the corner.
You can't give 100% to a workplace when your commitment is compromised!
Along came COVID-19 and I almost gave up again. I was stressed and scared and as I downloaded the SEEK app, I told myself that I was being a realist. Once again, I had one foot in and one foot out.
Thanks to the Job Keeper scheme and a degree of stubbornness (and a lack of brighter, shinier options) RaW appears to have come out the other side and I'm back delivering training and chatting to staff. This is awesome as now more than ever investing in staff culture and communication is crucial and I know that RaW training can make positive changes to your workplace culture.
Like anyone I make mistakes, but I learn from them.
Both of my one foot in, one foot out experiences have reminded me that believing in and committing to what you do makes a difference.
I have now deleted the SEEK app and have made the absolute commitment to not just be passionate about my business but to live and breathe it 100% every day. I am being vulnerable, I'm asking for help and mentoring (I still don't like marketing), I'm investing in a new professionally fresh website and I'm putting RaW first.
But this is not just an insight for me.
Do you have both feet in? Are your staff all in? Distractions for your staff may not be newer and shinier options, they may be fear, confusion and distrust.
COVID-19 has affected all of us in one way or another and the recent months have provided many distractions to our previously 'normal' work lives.
Are you role modelling the passion for your organisation that you want your staff to emulate?
Are you staff really able to honestly commit? or is there doubt, fear, gossip, negativity and disrespect distracting them from the belief and passion that you need to drive your workplace culture?