Are you listening?
It’s what happens AFTER the learning that makes the difference.
There is so much good information around at the moment but it’s only useful if you listen and apply it.
I always look forward to September and October, not only because the weather starts to change but because of all the focus on RU Ok day, Mental Health Day and WorkSafe Tasmania Month. This year with so much change and negativity in the air the amount of information, support and resources available on wellbeing and culture is fantastic but are you practicing your learnings?
Personally I LOVE to learn, I LOVE a webinar (especially a free one), I LOVE a podcast while I’m driving and I also LOVE to read a great informed and insightful author, and there are plenty to choose from at the moment. My most read and dog-earred books for now are: Be Brilliant, Janine Garner, The Culture Code, Daniel Coyle and Vulture Cultures, Leanne Faraday-Brash, and I’m excited for the 6 WorkSafe Month webinars I am enrolled in. But, to be honest, although I find myself loving the content and despite my good intentions, my insights and learnings are in danger of slipping out the window unless I make the effort to fully engage, take notes and apply.
So… are you prioritising your workplace culture and the wellbeing of your staff? Are you listening to the tips and strategies and applying, or forgetting them? The information and support is there you just have to grab hold.
Send us a message, Respect at Work can help to improve your workplace culture.