
2025, the crumpled paper exercise, and humans versus paper


Most of us have probably heard of the "crumpled paper" exercise. A piece of paper is screwed up/stamped on etc. and then we try to smooth it back out, but the lines/damage remains. The message behind the activity of course is that bullying and bad behaviour can cause irreparable, permanent damage to a recipient.

Unfortunately, this is true for so many people, the damage done by psychosocial hazards (and as we know this includes bullying, conflict, poor workplace relationships and interactions) sometimes causes irreparable mental and physical effects. But sometimes there is hope; with sensitivity and compassion microaggressions can be interrupted, damage caused can be diminished, and trust can be repaired and rebuilt.

In my last blog I wrote about self-respect, along with this is the capacity for all of us to apply vulnerability and introspection, if we start to notice, appreciate, and engage in respectful behaviours ourselves this carries into our relationships with others. Conflict happens, moments of incivility, or moments where we speak before we think happen - BUT we have the power to manage what happens with and after those moments. We DO have the power to uncrumple the paper before permanent damage is done. A sincere apology has the power to promote healing or even stop the damage before it sets in. Introspection and curiosity applied to (and before) conversations provide opportunities to grow and learn.

Bringing kindness and compassion to our workplace interactions can and does influence the workplace experience for all of us.

We are not pieces of paper, we are human, we have the capacity to heal, to learn and to grow. We can choose how we interact with others; we can choose kindness and compassion. Let’s all make this our focus for 2025.

Respect at Work facilitates discussions about respect, respectful communication, and respectful behaviours, have look here at some of the training options we offer.



